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Explore these weaving resources that might be useful on your creative journey. While this list is not exhaustive and does not imply endorsement of specific suppliers by the guild, we hope you find this information beneficial. If you have a resource that could help fellow guild members, please let us know—we're always looking to expand our collective knowledge!

Weaving Resources On-Line
Jane Stafford Textiles:
Scroll down for Help section
Jane also has an on-line weaving guild by yearly subscription.
Peggy Osterkamp’s Weaving Blog
Weaver’s Craft: Lots of hints and tips.
Ravelry: You must create a free account to join.
Weaving groups to join:
Warped Weaver
Tapestry Weavers
Leclerc Weavers
Weavers Marketplace (equipment)
Weavers Cafe (tips for beginners)
Heritage Weavers
Alberta’s Ravelers (all yarn arts)
Inkle Loom Weavers
Rigid Heddle Loomers
Handwoven Magazine:
An archive of weaving patterns
Facebook groups - 4 shaft weaving, weaving hacks, weaving and spinning for beginners and more, plus many others
HWSG maintains the most complete single collection of fibre craft related materials in Calgary. An extensive library of books, periodicals, and invaluable woven and spun sample binders, that are accessible to active members of the guild.
Weaving Supplies (Canadian)
A & B Fibreworks - Crossroads Market
Camilla Valley Farms (Ontario)
Supplies, yarns, Leclerc loom replacement parts, etc.
Custom Woolen Mills, Carstairs
Gather Textiles
Jane Stafford Textiles - Salt Spring Island
Maurice Brassard Yarns (Quebec) La Mieux yarns
MD Weaving
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